
Oakwood Fine Arts Boosters (OFAB) is a volunteer organization with a mission to promote and support arts education in all of Oakwood's schools K-12. OFAB has awarded grants that address a wide variety of needs in all Oakwood schools. Grants awarded so far during the 2023-2024 school year include Theater communication headsets, Smith Muse Machine program, a tuba grant for both elementary schools, privacy screens for Theater, Updated Handbells for Harman, Costume support for the musical Mamma Mia, Tournament support for Speech and Debate, and equipment for journalism students as well as support for sending Yearbook Staff for training.

Young@Art is an exuberant, jam-packed event featuring incredible student work and live performances from across the Oakwood School District. Young@Art is OFAB's primary fundraiser with all proceeds going directly to our Teacher Grants Fund to enhance programming for students. 

We are very excited to use the new art wing this year for many performances during Young@Art. The Oakwood Schools Foundation will be holding a reception, and there will be student performances throughout the night.